Friday, October 2, 2020

company of happiness

Over the past few weeks my search for positive news across media continued. Still did not find a news article which might make readers/viewers feel happy.

Unless the reader was Mr. M Ambani, for who the flurry of cheques continued. Even he would be bored now.

However I did discover something which made me happy.  Company. 

Not the Company which  is 'a commercial business',


company which is  'the fact or condition of being with another or others, especially in a way that provides friendship and enjoyment.'

After nearly six months I met friends and relatives over the past two weekends. It was comforting to watch people (in flesh and blood) talk and laugh together. It felt nice. It felt happy.

So much so that I forgot checking my phone for 4 hours. There was no urge to check messages or aimlessly scroll news articles.

And obviously if human interaction is pleasant why would one go to the internet. The news is depressing and applications have turned from productivity tools in to attention seeking and manipulation agents. But we already know that.

So a couple of suggestions for happier weekends.

Meet friends face to face. Share. Laugh.

And switch off ALL app notifications on your phone. 

Try it!

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